Print and
electronic journalism media have been filled recently with the conclusions of the experts
concerning the greatest athletes, the
most important events, and other notable happenings of the twentieth century. The
underlying assumption is that the century, indeed the current millennium, will end in a
few days.
Although there has been little
discussion about the issue, the logic supporting the conclusion that this century will not
end until December 31, 2000, not this month but a year from now, seems
unassailable. If its years we are counting, the first ends in "1" and the
one hundredth year is "100." (A baby is "one" only after 12 months,
not the day of birth.) The correct end of this century would thus be at the end of the
last day of December 2000. That our society seems to so conveniently ignore the obvious is
somewhat remarkable. Has it always been the case?
A recent short article in the November issue of American Heritage magazine
looked at the issue at the close of the nineteenth century. There was a significant amount
of discussion in 1899 about when the twentieth century would actually begin. A poll of
fourteen college presidents resulted in twelve favoring January 1, 1901.
The "1900 camp" based its position on the fact that the current calendar was
not formulated until many centuries after the unknown birth of Christ, so January 1, 1900,
was as good a date as any other.
An editorial that appeared in the New York Times during December 1899
rejected such inexactness, arguing "...facts and reason, the authority of all
dictionaries, and the support of every chronologer and historian who ever lived, to say
nothing of the invariable understanding and custom of all lands and ages supported the use
of 1901."
When Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm and his Imperial Council adopted January 1, 1900, as the
date to begin the century, intellectuals and newspaper editors around the world were
aghast. One American editor acidly remarked: "Now let it be decreed that black is
white." Another said the Kaiser was "the only man of any prominence who cannot
count to one hundred."
No Doubt in Sidney: Although
the debate was pretty much one-sided, it continued. There was no doubt about when the
century would begin in at least one small town. Three Sidney papers were published in
December 1899. The Sidney Daily News, and two weeklies, the Sidney
Journal and the Shelby County Democrat all reported the end of 1899
in a matter of fact fashion. There was no effort by retailers to have an "end of the
century" sale, no listing of the great achievements of the nineteenth century, and no
forecasting about what the next 100 years would bring. No local editor decreed the
nineteenth century had ended.
One of the few references to the question was in the January 5, 1900, issue of the Democrat.
The author of the short article asserted: "It is plain that time must pass through
one hundred years to make a century, so time must go on through 1900 to complete the 19th
century; hence we will not be in the 20th century until January 1, 1901." He
concluded his piece with the tantalizing question: "Do you believe it?" Most
local people apparently did. The arrival of the New Year, 1900, was reported without
fanfare, although Reed's
Band did entertain on the courtsquare.
As the next year drew to a close,
much local attention was paid to the ending of the century. The remarks of President
McKinley, about man's achievements during the 19th century, were reported in the December
3, 1900, edition of the Sidney Journal. Sidney businessmen took advantage of
the marketing opportunity presented at Christmas time. Fred Salm advertised in December
1900 that this was "The Last Christmas of the Nineteenth Century." Wagner's
Arcade extended a "Greeting of the New Year and New Century" in his ads, both in
December 1900 and January 1901.
As the nineteenth century wound to a close in December
1900, local Sidney papers reviewed the highlights of the past 100 years. One article
looked back to the beginning of the eighteenth century in 1801 and contrasted the state of
mankind then to 1901. The recent American Heritage article referenced the
beginning of that century by quoting from the January 1, 1801, edition of the Connecticut
Courant. The author mocked those who contended the century had begun in 1800 by
saying: Go on, ye scientific sages,/ collect you light a few more ages,/ Perhaps as
swells the vast amount,/ A century hence you'll learn to count. New Century Celebrations Well Reported: The first
Sidney newspapers published in the new century reported on the celebrations that were
held. The editor of the Democrat observed in the January 4, 1901, edition:
"Sidney fittingly bid farewell to the old century and becomingly welcomed the new
century... The fire bell and the church bells were rung at midnight and the factory
whistles blown." Many parties were reported held around the city to watch the new
century arrive.
The correct timing of the event was even sanctioned by the Pope in Rome. The Pope had
issued a special decree, and ordered the same high mass performed in all Catholic churches
throughout the world. The Democrat also reported on the solemn high mass
that was held on January 1, 1901, at Holy Angels Church pursuant to the Pope's decree. The
author noted that "Promptly at the hour of twelve, Father Quatman stepped into the
pulpit and in a few chosen words bid all a happy new year, spoke of the great works
accomplished during the past century and what would be done in the future." The Pope,
Father Quatman and virtually everyone else agreed on the beginning of the new century
then, and one is left to wonder what they would think of us now. The endless stream
of books, magazines and television programming we now see recapping the great achievements
of this century is indeed impressive. We have accomplished much. Not bad for only 99
Sidney businessman Fred
Salm knew exactly when the new century started. This ad appeared in December 1900, not
1899, editions of the Shelby County Democrat.

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