Feature on Ralph Baumann. Topic: SPORTS
Written by Rich Wallace in November, 1997

Recently, the Wilson Memorial Hospital celebrated the opening
of its new outpatient care center. In recent articles in The Sidney Daily News, the
major events in the history of the hospital have been recalled. Chief among those was the
donation by Judge Harrison Wilson's family of the 27 acre parcel of real estate on which
the present building is now located. The name of the hospital constantly brings to mind
the charity of the Wilson family. Long forgotten by most was the ultimate sacrifice made
by the Baumann family of Sidney in supporting the same cause sixty-six years ago. This is
the story of Ralph 'Pee Wee' Baumann.
In 1928, members of the late Judge
Harrison Wilson's family donated 27 acres of the family farm as a site for the future
hospital, with the hopes that their efforts would spur support for the building of the
hospital the community sorely needed. Prior to that time, what passed as Sidney's hospital
was located above the county's boiler room, adjacent to the county jail. Two years would pass before
sufficient funds were raised to build the facility.
When the hospital opened, C. M. Fogt, president of the board, stated at the dedication
ceremony on September 7, 1930: "How well this institution will succeed in carrying
out its only purpose, that of relieving human suffering, will depend upon the support we
all give, the amount and kind of effort we all put forth and the good will we manifest
from this time on..."
As the board and staff learned, raising operating funds for the fledgling enterprise
would be an oft-repeated exercise. In the very next year, volunteers organized an effort
to collect money.
Earlier in the fall of 1931, a football
between the semi-pro Sidney Merchants football team and a team composed of Sidney High
School alumni and old timers had raised money for the city welfare fund. The
events was staged by the IUTIS Club. The fund was used to assist those unemployed as a
result of the Great Depression.
"Zack" Crusey, the
mellifluous sports writer of The Sidney Daily News, apparently noted the success of
the IUTIS event. He was the chief architect of the idea of a charity football game between
the alumni football players of Sidney High School and Holy Angels. All the proceeds would
benefit the new Wilson Memorial Hospital. With Crusey heavily involved, the event would
not suffer from a lack of dramatic promoting.
In announcing the game in the evening
edition on November 13th, Crusey gushed: "I cherish the thought of watching these
honor gridiron grads line the field again. I can't mention one outstanding race
horse-legged scintillate with brains and brawn and do justice to the remaining
group." (In what was to turn out to be a tragic irony, Crusey also reported that
evening on a Florida football player who suffered a serious neck injury in a game). This
game was to be played on Saturday, November 21st.
Zack Crusey set about hyping the game as he had no other. In the week before the tilt,
he noted how "Particular effort has been accumulated in securing the top notchers
of both alumnis to cavort in the forthcoming struggle..." Zack promised that the
game "...will arm one with a reminiscent glow. It's going to be smoke with good
A number of team captains and some college talent was slated to be on the football
field during the game. Jimmy Zimmerman and Gussie Palmisano played for the University of
Dayton Flyers. Bernard McCashen and George Collins were Ohio University Bobcat players.
Former team captains Pee Wee Baumann, Will Holder, Johnny Casey and Johnny Salm were
returning to bolster the Holy Angels Titans.
Pee Wee had graduated from Holy Angels High School in 1928. His brothers, Bill and Dick
Baumann, still reside in Sidney. Other than perhaps as a reference to his relatively short
stature, they cannot recall why he was called Pee Wee. Despite his height and slight
build, he played football all four years, and captained the team in 1928. After finishing
school, he accepted a position as an assistant bookkeeper at Wagner Manufacturing. Bill recalled that life was
good for brother Ralph. He liked his job, and he was engaged to a fine young lady named
Gilletta Wolf.
Just a few days before the big game, Zack Crusey began to beat the drums with
increasing intensity. In the Wednesday edition of the Daily News, he wrote: "Just
picture in your mind two combinations who play football in the same cutting, slashing
style, who put a swagger and a swing into the thunder that they cut loose and who face
each other as evenly matched as one might hope to expect." Crusey predicted a
"gifted confab of high promise."
Even the Sidney High School band, which was to play at the contest, caused Crusey to
wax poetic: "The stirring songs and marches that they render have a power of
enchantment about them that makes one acclaim these dispensers of intoxicating melodies of
Sidney High as unparalleled as any scholastic institution."
According to his brothers,
Pee Wee looked forward to the game, even though they questioned why he would want to play
and risk injury. Dick, who was only eight years old at the time, planned to attend the
game. Bill went hunting with friends.
Before the game, Crusey did his best to fire up
the Sidney High 'orange and black' (Sidney's colors then), by crowning the Holy Angels
Titans players "Helmeted gridiron immortals!" He predicted the stalwarts
for Sidney, including Louie Kritzer and Freeman Cromer, would have their hands full.
Crusey's tactics were successful, as the stands at Julia Lamb field were nearly full as
the game began.
Cecil Watkins reported on the game for the Daily News the next day. The defenses
dominated the first half of play. Just before the end of the first half, Watkins reported
that "...the old game was robbed of its scoreless tie." Bob Frazier,
taking a nearly errant snap from the center, found Carl Linthicum in the back of the end
zone for a Sidney High score. A Frazier to George Collins pass was good for the extra
point. Sidney's seven to zero lead would hold until half time.
The Orange and Black alumni scored twice more in the second half, and the former Holy
Angles Titans once, but the second half action became meaningless, both to the players and
the fans.
To open the second half, Holy Angels defended the south goal and kicked off to Sidney.
Dick Baumann recalled that Pee Wee was on the kick off team for the Titans. He lined up to
the left, and was the first player to reach George Collins, the Sidney kick returner. At
about the forty yard line, near the home side of the field, Pee Wee dove for Collins and
was blocked out by another player. His head struck the turf at an angle. He lay motionless
as the action moved downfield. A stunned silence engulfed the stands.
Pee Wee was transported to Wilson Memorial Hospital by ambulance. The family gathered
at the hospital. Gale Crusey summoned Pee Wee's brother Bill from the hunting fields. Pee
Wee Baumann lay paralyzed from the neck down. X-rays taken revealed the third cervical
vertebra was "pushed out of place." The news made the headlines of the Daily
News in the next edition: "Baumann Condition Very Critical."
Dayton and Cincinnati specialists, immediately called in for consultation, confirmed
the serious, permanent injury. According to the Daily News, these doctors had never
encountered a similar injury where the vertebra had been thrown forward. Through it all,
Pee Wee remained conscious. The Daily News noted that the accident "has
cast a deep pall of gloom over the entire city."
The brothers remembered that later in the day the doctors attached a weighted device to
his head that was shaped like a football helmet. Pee Wee's sister, Mrs. Larkin, arrived to
lend her talents as a nurse. As the next several days passed, everyone in the town waited
and prayed. As he lay motionless, Pee Wee prayed as well. Bill Baumann remembers that
family members never left his side, and slept in his room.
Five days later, on Thursday,
things turned for the worse. About 4 p.m., Pee Wee's temperature began to rise rapidly to
over 108 degrees . By 4:45 a.m. the next morning, he was gone.
The Shelby County
Democrat reported that "Grief was widespread over the death of Ralph
Baumann..." As was the local custom then, his body was placed on a funeral bier
in the family's home at 732 South Miami Avenue. Hundreds of mourners were received by the
family members. Bill and Dick Baumann remember that their parents, William and Margaret,
were devastated. Margaret Baumann died just two years later.
The sadness of the end of such a young life was deepened by the fact that he had died
working for a cause to help others. This thought was not lost on Father Fortman, who gave
the eulogy during the Requiem High Mass. He praised the fine Christian character of Ralph
Baumann, and emphasized that his untimely death came in connection with his efforts to
raise money for the hospital. Hundreds attended the Mass, including both teams en mass.
All of the members of the Sidney High and Holy Angels Football Mothers Clubs were present
as well.
In a bit of tragic irony, he had died in the very hospital for which he had expended
his final efforts to raise money for its use. Over the years since the events of that
bleak day in November of 1931, the tragedy has been largely forgotten. For all the members
of the Baumann family, however, Wilson Memorial Hospital will always stand as a memorial
to Pee Wee Baumann.
n April, 1998,
the Shelby County Historical Society unveiled a commemorative marker which honors Baumann,
who died from injuries suffered in a 1931 Lehman-Sidney alumni football benefit for the
Sidney hospital. This open house which was attended by members of his family (including
brothers Bill and Dick) was held at the new outpatient care/occupational therapy center at
Wilson Memorial Hospital. Wilson is located near the intersection of Fourth Avenue and SR
47 in Sidney.

The power plant had the distinction of serving as the countys
first hospital. Still standing today (next to the old Jail on the corner of Main and
Court), it was built to supply power to the Jail and the Shelby County Courthouse. When
the Great
Flood hit in 1913, an emergency hospital was established in the upper portion.
The above picture was taken during the flood, looking east from Ohio Avenue on Dallas
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