A woman does her part by
working at a Monarch Machine Company lathe during WW II.
Other Sidney companies converted from
domestic products to war material as rapidly as possible. William Ross, the owner of Ross Products reported in August 1942 that the
company had finished additions to its West Poplar Street and Oak Street plants. The
company produced aluminum aircraft parts, as did the Stolle Corporation. The Sidney
Machine Tool Company produced the 'Sidney' line of lathes. They were used in the aircraft
and early jet propulsion industries.
The most common government contract was the
"cost plus fixed fee" arrangement. It guaranteed the contractor a profit.
Monarch also received substantial federal funds in order to finance several large
additions to its Oak Street plant.
Sweeping government orders rationing certain raw materials had an immediate effect on
local industry as well. Ten months before Pearl Harbor, the availability of aluminum was
sharply curtailed by federal decree. Wagner
Manufacturing Company, anticipating the order, had already developed a new
pre-seasoned ironware line. Jerome Wagner reported that the introduction of the line at a
Chicago show in January 1941 "scooped the field." Liberty Folder officials also rushed to find
a substitute raw material for aluminum.
The rapid industrial expansion in Sidney, already a town
with full employment in 1940 created the biggest challenge for local leaders: finding
housing for the huge influx of workers. Local leadership and ingenuity again solved the
Although hundreds were brought in from other areas in ten school busses purchased by
the city, many workers searched for housing here. Mayor John Sexauer personally subsidized
local contractor John Hussey, who built over 200 homes. Even the construction of these
homes in Sidney between failed to meet the demand. Typical of the new housing subdivisions
developed after 1942 was the one built in the area of Park, Maple, Grove, Wagner and
Buckeye Streets. Over 100 houses were constructed of concrete block and gypsum board with
federal funds for a total of $305,890. Many of the larger, older homes in town, now rented
as multi-unit apartments, were first remodeled to provide additional housing during the
Childcare issues became critical
with so many spouses either at war or working. Mrs. Eleanor Ross, described in the Saturday
Evening Post article as a "valiant woman," made this and other local
problems her personal mission to solve.
The most immediate impact on local residents
came in the form of rationing and scrap drives. Rationing, consisting of quotas on the
purchase of some items and the outright elimination of others, was supervised by a federal
agency called the War Production Board, or WPB. Shortages of steel and aluminum resulted
in the rationing of canned goods, refrigerators, washing machines, lawnmowers and other
items. Ration coupon books for gasoline, sugar and many other products were common in
Shelby County households throughout the war. The May 7, 1942, edition of the Daily News reported that 20,000 county residents registered for ration books in just three days.
Local residents who lived during the war will remember the scrap metal and rubber
drives. Sidney and the rest of the county had separate quotas for each item. One drive,
sponsored by the county agricultural implement dealers netted 228,000 pounds of iron
scrap. County chairman Ray Burke oversaw a scrap rubber drive that collected over 109
tons, an amazing eight pounds of rubber per county resident. Housewives also saved grease
from the kitchen that was used in the manufacture of explosives.
The WPB demonstrated how serious it was about its orders by
using one local company as an example. All scrap dealers and junkyards were ordered to
sell their inventory to the government every 60 days for use in the manufacture of war
material. When one did not comply, his salvage yard was seized. It was the first seizure
in Ohio. Two other dealers, Folkerth and Leonard Sollman received WPB awards for producing
enough scrap in two months to make 44 of the 2,000 pound bombs used to bomb Tokyo.
The Sidney Daily News experienced a 40% cutback in the newsprint it could
purchase and responded by reducing the size of the newspaper type and eliminating
sub-headlines in the paper.
Shortages even impacted American
fashions. The WPB ordered the elimination of vests, patch pockets and cuffs in order to
save 40 million pounds of wool per year.
One wonders how Americans would chafe today
under the restrictions imposed on wartime Shelby County residents. President Roosevelt
decreed that the top annual salary anyone was permitted to earn was $25,000. He also froze
all salaries over $5,000 per year and set price ceilings on food and rent. Other federal
agencies also restricted the purchase of meat to 79% of the pre-war level, with a personal
limit of about two pounds per person per week.
Shelby County Sheriff Truman Pitts announced in August 1942 that he would aggressively
enforce the new maximum 40-mile per hour speed limit. It was put in place to help conserve
rubber, a precious national resource.
Although of course geographically isolated from the European and Pacific war theaters,
no one living here during the war felt safe from foreign attack because of the presence of
such critical defense contractors as Monarch, Copeland, Stolle and Sidney Tool. The Shelby
County Civil Defense Council was formed to address security concerns and assist separate
councils set up in the townships and villages. A. N. Hemmert headed the local civil
defense efforts.
Air raids drill were conducted, and over 800 local volunteers, known as "home
front soldiers" accepted assignments as auxiliary policemen, fire watchers, ambulance
drivers and air raid wardens. Countywide blackouts were staged on a regular basis to
prepare for enemy air attacks.
The years of sacrifice and preparation on the home front paid off. Although there was
little celebration when victory over Germany was declared on May 7, 1945, such was no the
case when President Truman accepted the Japanese surrender on August 12. The local
reaction was immediate and ecstatic. Glenn Daniel, in an August 12, 1995, Sidney Daily
News article recounted the spontaneous outpouring of emotion. A special committee was
formed to plan a parade and work out the details for a ceremony for dedicating the Roll of
Honor on the court square.
Daniel quoted a Daily News article of the time: "With utter disregard for gasoline rationing which is soon to
become passé, motorists rounded the public square time after time, the horn button
down." The author of the 1945 article concluded: "In a way the din of victory
day was symbolic- there was a note of 'well done' as the hoarse factory whistles joined in
the victory chorus." Every church held services of thanksgiving.
The parade
organized on short notice lasted almost an hour and ended at the courthouse. The Roll of
Honor, containing the names of more than 2,000 men and women who served during the war,
was dedicated on the northwest corner of the court square. It was taken down five years
later when weather had begun to fade and deteriorate its facade.
What has not faded is the memory of those that lived here and remember what sacrifices
it took on the home front to win the war. It is a record of accomplishment that few towns
can match.
This picture of Fort Loramie
native Esther (Eilerman) Perin was featured in Monarch's national sales literature.
Sidney schools held a series of classes to teach women how to operate machine tools and
develop others skills needed in the factories during WW II.
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