The U.S. Marine warplane made one pass, swooping
down low over the compound. It was nearly dusk, but as the small goggle case fell from the
plane and hit the ground, a group of exhausted and starved Americans rushed forward to
retrieve it. Inside was the message they had been waiting for: "Roll out the barrel.
There's going to be a hot time in the old town tonight!" Within minutes,
"Battlin' Basic", the lead tank of the U.S. 44th tank battalion crashed through
the gates of the Santo Tomas internment camp in the Philippine Islands. Those present
spontaneously began to sing God Bless America. It was February 3, 1945. Over three
thousand American and Allied civilian prisoners at Santo Tomas, and many more at the Los
Banos camp would soon be free. Among them: Florence Sanders of Perry Township. This is her
Florence Smith, the
daughter of Mrs. D. D. Williams from her first marriage, was in the midst of a cruise
around the world when she was forced to stop in Cebu, the Philippines due to war
conditions in China. Sometime later she met and married Phillip Sanders, district manager
for Texaco Oil Company. She opened a nursery there to aid dependents of the American
military families in Manila. All was peaceful until December 8. She later recalled that
"We were having our usual glass of tomato and orange juice at 6:30 am when we
heard the news about Pearl Harbor ." Soon after they heard the news that parts of
the Philippines were being bombed.
For safety, the Sanders and many of their friends moved into the mountainous
countryside and were able to avoid the invading Japanese. After the war, Florence told her
cousin Mabel Sharp of Sidney that her faithful Filipino servants buried all of their
silver and crystal. The servants found the Sanders after the war and returned every item.
They were finally captured and interned on May 1, 1942. Thus began almost three long years
of confinement. Florence and Phillip pledged to each other their determination to survive
this ordeal - together.
The Sanders and others were initially confined in Cebu. Living conditions were bad, but
the treatment by their captors was otherwise tolerable at first because they were then
winning the war. There was no electricity in the camp. Although there was no water, the
men were permitted to carry in water from a mile away in five gallon buckets.
All the internees organized and divided the duties of the camp among them. Florence
taught school. She and her husband were required to live in separate huts. Late in 1942,
three men from the camp tried to escape. To the horror of all the Americans, the men were
tortured and then killed. Mr. and Mrs. D W. Williams, the parents of Florence, waited back
in Perry Township for word from their daughter. Their last letter had been received in
March, 1942. They feared the worst.
Ultimately, the Sanders were
transferred to Santo Tomas. Mrs. Sanders recalled bitterly that "They shipped
their troops in hospital ships and transported us in troop transports which were subject
to our bombings." After five perilous days at sea, Florence and Phillip arrived
safely. Conditions there were bad and steadily worsened. Overcrowding was a serious
problem . When it came to using the bathroom, "Close your eyes if you want privacy"
became the running joke. The dietary staple was "lugaw", a soupy rice
concoction. Certain internees were assigned to hunt for meat to supplement the food line.
Cats were a common addition.
Military conditions worsened for the Japanese in the early
spring of 1944. An army unit took over Santo Tomas shortly thereafter. No one would forget
Lt. Abiko, the terrorist master guard. Men were soon separated from their families.
Florence Sanders and many other women were transferred to Los Banos.
Phillip Sanders stayed with the other men and the violence increased. Four members of
the camp's internment committee were beheaded. By the beginning of 1945, the deaths each
month were double those of the previous month. Carrol Grinnel, a good friend of the
Sanders, was beheaded during this time. Florence Sanders later reported in a letter to her
parents that "one of our friends went raving mad" but later recovered.
The Sanders later reported that within a month before their liberation, innocent women and
children were used as bayonet practice. "But we don't dwell on these horrors, "
Florence subsequently wrote. "We keep thinking how fortunate we are."
Just before the liberation of the camps, the average weight of the men was 112 pounds.
Word that the American troops had freed those at Santo Tomas had not yet reached Los Banos
on February 23rd when the lead column of army tanks arrived. The Sanders recalled their "miraculous
rescue" by paratroopers and tanks. "Our rescue so surprised the Japs that
no one was touched." Back in Santo Tomas, a measure of revenge was extracted. Lt.
Abiko was killed and buried face down in the mud.
For Florence's mother
back in Shelby County, three years of silence ended when they received a telegram which
read: "Both well. Together." A letter followed which recounted their
experiences. It ended: "But that is all in the past, and what fun it will be to
begin again."
Begin again they did. Phillip resumed his career. The couple traveled throughout the
world and lived in China, South Africa, Hawaii, North Carolina and California. They
stopped to see their Shelby County friends often. Mabel Sharp, now 100 years old, recalls
those visits with fondness: "I would often ask her how she ever s urvived such an
ordeal. She always said "I convinced myself those people were not going to get me
At right is Florence Sanders (Smith) at her home in Perry Township before she was married.
Photo courtesy of Mabel Sharp.
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