As the
Union commanders drew more troops into position, they tightened the noose around Atlanta
the industrial heart of the South and the ultimate target. In assessing the
importance of taking Atlanta, Grant had said in May of 1864 that "Sherman will
take Atlanta; and when he gets Atlanta, he will have his hand upon the vitals of the
Confederacy: and you can judge how long a man is likely to live when another has a firm
grip upon his vitals."
As terrible as
the Battle of Resaca was, the worst was ahead for the volunteer soldiers from Shelby
County, Ohio. The man chosen by President Jefferson Davis to defend Atlanta was General
John Bell Hood (pictured at right). He had lost a leg at Gettysburg, and was
loved by his men for being brave and a risk-taking leader. The 'Johnnies' were well
entrenched around the outskirts of the city. The veterans of the 20th Ohio had marched 376
punishing miles to outside Atlanta, and by good fortune had missed the action at Resaca.
what would prove to be a sad irony, a soldier of the 20th, apparently newly recruited,
wrote to the editor of the "Sidney Journal" on June 13, 1864, confidently
stating: "There can be no doubt of the results. Our army is much larger than the
enemy, and though it may cost many lives, we will succeed...The health of the regiment was
never better. There is no sickness at all. None killed or wounded as yet."
General John Bell Hood
On July 21, the
20th had assisted in the routing of Cleburne's division and the capture of Bald Hill on
the outskirts of the city. From this point, the Union artillery could shell Atlanta.
General Hood was furious. The next day was July 22, 1864. During the morning hours, the
men watched as the Confederates appeared to be withdrawing from the city. The 20th was
placed on the far left of the federal line. What followed is taken from fir st-person
accounts of Captain E. E. Nutt and Private William Updegraff of the 20th.
Catching the Union forces completely by surprise, the rebels
launched a savage attack against the left of the federal line. That section was anchored
by the 20th, and it received the brunt of the assault. Nutt recalled, "The
Johnnies were coming at us like a storm." Waves of rebels rolled over the 20th,
first from the rear, then the front, and then from the side. A captured Union cannon was
turned on them, and the men of the 20th were raked with cannister fire.
reported that at the height of the battle he saw brothers Mathias and Robert Elliot of
Dinsmore Township fighting side by side. (Mathias had been awarded the Medal of Gold for
heroism at Fort Donelson, Raymond, Vicksburg, and Shiloh.)
Updegraff recalled: "Mathias Elliot of Company F was killed. His brother Robert
stood over his body fighting until he had fired every cartridge. He then clubbed his
musket and fought until he was literally shot to pieces."
Captain Nutt
remembered the lines surging back and forth amid the dense smoke and incredible noise.
"Now it was hand to hand; bayonets, butts of muskets and fists were used; men were
pulled over the works from both sides..." Shelby County, Ohio men fell like
leaves before the north wind: Perry Bailey, Christian Jelley, John Blakely, Jasper Miller,
James Morrow, George Redinbo, John Umphrey, John Kessler, Albert Hines, and many more.
The carnage was worse among the rebels. Over 600 enemy bodies were
counted in front of the 20th's fortifications the next morning. Lt. Dwight of the 20th
reported in a letter that was printed in the "New York Times" on August
12, 1864: "Such was the most awful battle I have ever been in; and I most heartily
pray I may never see another like it. I never saw such awful slaughter as took place among
the rebels. They literally laid in piles as I went over the ground the next morning."
The failure of General Hood to route the federal forces
resulted in the rebels retiring within the city. They waited for Sherman to attack. "The
Yankee gents can't get their men to charge our works," one Confederate soldier
declared. Sherman, remembering Grant's success built on patience at Vicksburg, cut off
supplies to the city and ordered a daily bombardment. By September 1, the Confederates
gave up and evacuated their industrial center. Afterward, Grant told Sherman, "I
feel you have accomplished the most gigantic undertaking given to any general in this war,
with a skill and ability that will be acknowledged in history as not surpassed."
'Civil War'
segment written in July, 1998 by Rich Wallace
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