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100 Years Ago

Black History
Civil War
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August, 1899
Compiled by Doris Dilbone in August, 1999

100 Year Menu Excursions Yesterday
The excursions run to this city yesterday to the Mary L. Poultry Plant were a success. The excursion trains were run over the C.H.&D. railroad from Toledo and Cincinnati. The two trains arrived here about 11 o’clock in the morning and brought in between five and six hundred people. The visitors visited the poultry plant and spent a portion of the afternoon in the grove over the hill at the rear of the plant. Many of them took a drive over the city. The grove is a most beautiful place and is provided with a large number of settees, swings and hammocks for the convenience of visitors. It was visited by hundreds of people yesterday besides the excursionists, and the many people who drove here from neighboring towns to see the plant.
Sidney Daily News, Aug. 1, 1899

Base Ball
The game of ball yesterday afternoon between the Urbana and Sidney teams in this city resulted in a victory for the Sidney boys by a score of 8 to 7. Ten hard fought innings were required to decide the game. The two opposing pitchers did good work, but Searl for Sidney seemed to have the best of it and pitched an excellent game backed up by fairly good support from the home boys. He struck out eight of the opposing team. The Sidney team was composed of O. Elliott, Wm. Crusey, Tully Potter, E. Jackson, Lewis Kingseed, D. Millette, Weber Hussey, Ed Searl and Charles Elliott.
Sidney Daily News, Aug. 3, 1899

Shadow Social
The shadow social given at the home of Mr. Douglas on the Mathers farm, southwest of Sidney, last evening by the Helping Hand Society of the Baptist church, was very well attended. About $29 was realized on the entertainment. Ice cream and cake were served. The shadows of the young ladies were thrown on a white surface and the young men were charged five cents to pick out the shadow of the young lady they wished to have accompany them to ice cream and cake. It proved very interesting.  
Sidney Daily News, Aug. 23, 1899

On the Menu
Fried turtle at the Hub to-morrow night 
Sidney Daily News, Aug. 3, 1899

Passing Through
A base ball team of Indians from Nebraska passed through this city on their way to Degraff where they play ball today.    Sidney Daily News, Aug. 3, 1899

Sidney Boys in the Philippines
Letters have been received this week from Roy B. Motsinger and Henry Miller, members of the Seventeenth U. S. Infantry, now stationed at San Fernando, Philippine Islands. They both say that they are in excellent health and enjoying themselves. Sidney Daily News, Aug. 11, 1899

Coming Home from Manila
Emanuel Umstead yesterday received a letter from Bert Flowers, who is now on his way home from Manila with Admiral Dewey on the Olympia. The letter was dated at Trieste, Austria, July 30. He said they had stopped at Cairo, Egypt, and had also visited Vienna, Austria. He expects to reach home some time about the first of October.
Sidney Daily News, Aug. 15, 1899

Red Chair
A red chair party was given at the home of John Jones and wife, who live four miles northwest of Anna, yesterday. There were over one hundred and eighty persons present. A sumptuous dinner was served and a pleasant day spent. Chairs were presented to both Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Rev. B. D. Rhinehart made the presentation speech to Mr. Jones and Post Commander Busch, of Wapakoneta, to Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Wrigley, of Anna, was present and surprised by also being presented with a chair. Rev. Crist made the presentation speech. Mr. Jones was a slave in North Carolina before the war. In 1850 he ran away from his master, David Merrell, and came to Ohio. In 1863 at the first call for colored troops he enlisted in the 5th U. S. Colored infantry and served to the close of the war.
Sidney Daily News, Aug. 18, 1899

At the Club House
The popular Steinle club house down the canal has been visited by over a thousand people so far this summer, and yet its popularity is still growing. Almost every day or evening parties make the trip on the pleasure boat "Gondola" for a few pleasant hours there. The club house is an ideal place for picnic parties, Mr. Steinle having recently made many additions to it and the bass fishing in the lake is excellent. The pleasure boat "Gondola" will make the trip to the club house at any time. The rates are as follows: for thirty or less, $8 for the round trip. All over thirty, twenty-five cents extra will be charged for each person. This includes all privileges at the club house.
Sidney Daily News, Aug. 21, 1899

Riverside Park Picnic
George Haslup and family, William Haslup and family, Minor Toy and family, Horace Ley and family, Dan Toy and family, E. W. Bingham’s family and W. H. C. Goode’s family, Misses Emma and Ella Haslup, Kate Mumford, Emma Dunn and Dot and Alice Edgar are picnicking at Riverside park, near Quincy today.
Sidney Daily News, Aug. 22, 1899

Reed Band Concert
The Reed band with a membership of thirty-two persons, under the leadership of C. G. Carr, their new director, will give a concert on the public square this evening. The following is the program: 1. Whistling Rufus, 2. Overture-The Black Queen, 3. Dance of the Do-funnies, 4. Waltz—Farewell to Munich, 5. Hello My Babe, 6. Medley—The Crackerjack, 7. March—Bands Rossa, 8. Sweetest Story Ever Told, 9. Finale—The Kicke. 
Sidney Daily News, Aug. 22, 1899 


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