February/March, 1899 |
Compiled by Doris Dilbone in March,
1999 |
Bimel Buggy Ball
The concert and ball to be
given at the armory on next Monday evening under the auspices of the Bimel Mutual AidAssociation promises to be a grand event.The concert will commence at 8 o’clock and
last until 10 o’clo ck. On the program will be selections by the Reed band, the
Mandolin orchestra and a selected quartet. At the close of the concert the rubber tire Bimel Buggy will be given away to someone who
holds a ticket to the entertainment. Already over four hundred tickets have been sold. The
armory will be beautifully decorated for the event.
Shelby County Democrat, Mar. 31, 1899
Meat Stolen
Samuel Duncan, of Orange
township, had all his meat stolen Saturday night. Gypsies who had camped in the vicinity
the previous night were pursued and found south of Piqua but a search of their wagons
failed to discover any trace of the meat.
Sidney Journal, Feb. 17, 1899
Canal Ice Broke
Max, the 10 year old son
of Joseph Stafford, ventured on the ice on the canal just above the water works Tuesday. Two other small boys, who had gone along, were afraid
to follow. The Stafford boy struck a thin spot and went down. His companions, much
frightened, ran to give the alarm. He was in the water fully 20 minutes, keeping himself
from drowning by holding on to the edge of the ice, when James Lucas saw him and threw a
strap to him, pulling him to the shore.
Sidney Journal, Feb. 17, 1899
News From Dawson
The canal boats made their
first appearance last week….Our place is blessed with a new blacksmith, and a
Republican at that….Our maple molasses manufacturers are reaping their harvest.
Sidney Journal,
Feb. 3, 1899
Judge of Fine Horses
Two weeks ago G. H. Boyce,
of Proctor, Vermont, came to Sidney to buy fine draft horses in Shelby and adjoining
counties for the Proctor Marble Company. Thirty-six were bought, and they were shipped
Wednesday, Frank Carper going along. One third of the bunch was obtained in this county
and the average price paid was $100. Thomas Robbins assisted Mr. Boyce in the buying.
Every year this company sends a man to buy horses in this vicinity, which speaks
well for the judgment the farmers use in breeding.
Sidney Journal, Feb. 3, 1899
On the Light Side
On the surface the letters
published last week on the electric light subject would leave the impression that
municipal ownership was all right. There are a great many things more important to
consider than merely what it costs to run a plant. It is absurd to believe that $15,000
would construct a plant for Sidney. It would take more than twice that amount. In other
cities of this size it has cost all the way from $35,000 to $40,000 to put in a plant
complete. Then, again, the depreciation in property has been placed too low, 10 percent
being a fair estimate.
Sidney Journal, Feb. 10,
Hen Fruit Too High
It has been a long while
since the price of eggs has been so high as for the last two weeks. This unusual scarcity
of hen fruit can be attributed to the recent cold weather. Eggs sold as high as 30 cents a
dozen in Sidney, while in cities 12 brought as much as a bushel of wheat. Restaurant men
in the cities say they never experienced such a demand for eggs. Regular customers who
would never look at eggs when they were down to 10 cents a dozen had them served in all
styles. With the moderation of the weather eggs will fall back to their usual price.
Sidney Journal,
Mar. 10, 1899
Not the Chemical Mace
A tramp, giving his name
as John Burke, and Cleveland as his home, was arrested near the Big Four station Monday by
Policeman Cartwright for being drunk and disorderly. Burke had asked different people for
money, saying he wanted to get shaved or something to eat. He was abusive when refused.
The officer had to use his mace freely before Burke consented to go along with him. When
arraigned before the Mayor Tuesday, Burke pleaded not guilty, and his trial was set for
Wednesday, when it was thought best to allow him to shake the dust of Sidney off his feet,
which was done.
Journal, Feb. 17, 1899
Town Talk in Sidney
The hoist bridge over the
canal in Water street has been completed...Joseph
Altenbach has been awarded the contract of $85 for putting a steel ceiling in the
Treasurer’s office...George Elliott and wife, who moved from here to Urbana several
years ago, were nearly asphyxiated by gas from a coal stove Tuesday morning of last
week...The caroling of birds has succeeded the merry jingle of sleigh bells, and it can
now be safely said spring has arrived.
Sidney Journal, Feb. 10, 1899
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