Have you ever noticed that each community has
its own identity, and that more often than not we tend to identify a town by referring to
some of its significant structures? County seat courthouses and our Big Four Bridge are prime examples.
Imagine the sense of pride the builders, whose names are now long forgotten, had for their
masterworks. Joseph Altenbach of Sidney knew those feelings. Up until the time he turned
his construction business over to his son, Frank, shortly after 1900, he had done more
than any other person to change the face and architectural character of our town. This is
his story.
His life began
inauspiciously enough on a small farm near the village of Freyburg in Auglaize County,
Ohio. Desiring to learn the carpentry trade, he moved to Sidney after the war in 1866 in order to apprentice with a
carpenter. Soon, however, he set up his own business.
Gaining the respect and friendship
of influential people in town was as important then as it is now. For reasons history does
not record, Joseph Altenbach developed a close relationship with Mathias Wagner. Wagner and his sons founded many of
the businesses that helped Sidney forge its reputation as an industrial center that it
enjoys to this day.
In 1883, Wagner purchased the lot on
which the first log cabin in Sidney was built.
It was located on Court Street across from the Courthouse. Wagner bought the lot for his
friend and the person who would soon become the master retailer of western Ohio - I. H. Thedieck. Thedieck and Wagner hired Altenbach to build
a fine brick structure to house Thedieck's department store. It was the first of many
impressive projects for the ambitious builder. Then as now, most construction
projects were handled by soliciting public bids. Altenbach's first success on a bid
project came in October, 1888 when he was declared the "lowest and best
bidder" for the new Lutheran Church on Water Street in Sidney. Following the
plans and specifications of the architect Hasecoester, Altenbach and his men completed the
church for the considerable sum of $10,190.68. During construction, church services were
conducted by Pastor Minneman in the assembly room of the Shelby County Courthouse. This
building served the congregation until it was razed to make room for a larger structure in
1927. As his talents as a builder
developed, and word of his impressive workmanship spread, Joseph Altenbach became the most
sought after craftsman in western Ohio. In the spring of 1890, he was awarded the contract
to construct St. Remy's Catholic Church in Russia. Following the plans of noted Cincinnati
architect Louis Piket, Altenbach began work after the laying of the cornerstone on July
17, 1890 and was finished except for the plastering of the sanctuary within five months.
When the Wagner family conceived the
idea of founding The Wagner Manufacturing Company in 1890, the family once again turned to
Altenbach. He built the entire Wagner complex, which is still in use to this day.

Also in 1890, the Wagners and other
industrialists began a recruiting campaign to woo other businesses to Sidney, similar to
the activities of the Western Ohio Development Council today. By offering a free building
site, the group was able to convince The Buckeye
Churn Company of Carey, Ohio to move to Sidney in 1891. Altenbach built the Buckeye
Churn facility on Park Street. It manufactured wooden washing machines, butter churns and
building products such as doors, siding and shingles. The Prima Washing Manufacturing
Company (shown above) later occupied the building. It has since been torn down.
The successful relationships he had
developed with the Wagners and I.H. Thedieck were to play a role once more when he was
awarded the contract to build a new church for the Holy Angels congregation. The
cornerstone on was laid on April 26, 1891. Altenbach faced a daunting task. The plans
called for a building 140 feet by 60 feet with two towers- one of which was to be 165 feet
high. No Sidney builder had ever attempted such a complex task. Under the watchful eye of
Father Quatman, construction steadily progressed. One million bricks were laid. Altenbach
and his men toiled for over a year. When the magnificent structure was completed and the
church consecrated on May 15, 1892 over 5,000 people from all over the state assembled to
view this remarkable edifice. The demand for his services continued to increase. He was
awarded contracts for and completed construction of a church and school buildings for both
the Catholic and Lutheran congregations in Piqua.

At right is the Holy Angels
church in Sidney, one of many buildings constructed by Altenbach
Other successful
projects followed in Sidney as well. Altenbach built the original People's Building and Loan
Association building along with several school buildings in Sidney. He also
designed and built a number of the elegant residences such as the B. P. Wagner house that
still grace our community. One last challenge awaited him, however.
When word spread
that the County Commissioners would seek bids for the construction of a children's home,
Altenbach of course wanted the work. However, competition would be stiff. His worst fears
were realized when bids were opened on December 7, 1894 in the offices of the
commissioners. Eleven builders had appeared from all over Ohio to bid this important
project. He and rival Sidney builder George Snyder nervously awaited the results.
Altenbach's heart sank as the bids were tallied. His bid was the second lowest. Snyder had
beaten him out by $50 on the $20,000 project. Lady Luck quickly intervened. After some
legal wrangling by both builders, Altenbach was awarded all of the work due to technical
errors in Snyder's bid. This contract was to be Altenbach's command performance as a
builder.The entire project was to consume more than two years.
The Sidney Journal gave his
work glowing accolades in its October 15, 1897 edition. Commenting on the little
children who would soon be inhabiting the Home, the Journal opined that "They
had, indeed, reason to be satisfied, for a handsomer and better equipped institution of
the kind is not to be found in the state." Then as now, however, it is the
compelling beauty of the natural setting that furnishes such a fitting background for the
stately home. The Sidney Journal reporter concluded his piece that day as follows: "One
thing the visitor can not fail to be impressed with is the magnificent view obtainable on
every side, but especially from the west. The valley of the Miami River lies spread out
like a panorama, and every building of any note in Sidney is distinctly discernible. The
home itself is an ornament to the landscape."
Joseph Altenbach would have been
thankful for the efforts currently underway to save his building. His granddaughter
Loretta Crist certainly is. Now 86 years old, remembers her grandfather well. "He
was very proud of that building. It is part of the heritage of our community. Preserving
it would be a small tribute to him, but more importantly, preserving and using that
beautiful place would allow all of us to share in our heritage." Well said, Mrs.
Joseph Altenbach
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