Peanuts, gum, and candy from the Olympia Candy Company and vanilla ice cream and peanuts from
H. M. Wright Confectioner ("Our Goods 100 Per Cent. Pure") promise good times
for the Jimtown PTA. Wright was on the south side of the square. Another invoice, dated
Oct. 28, 1920, to the Jimtown group from Wright totaled $13.45 for ice cream, apples,
peanuts, and spoons.

"Jimtown Schools PTA must have
been a very active group at raising funds. Not only did they bring electricity to the
school, but they paid the monthly electric bill which ran 75 cents a month most of the
time." Martha Thompson. Ms. Thompsons mother, Jimtown PTA
treasurer, signed this Feb. 7, 1925, Citizens National Bank counter check to the Miami
Electric Company.
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Mrs. Milton Bennett, buying 10 dozen buns for $1.00 for the Jimtown
PTA, knew where to get baked goods in Sidney Sexauers. Chairs and tables for
the PTA meeting? Rent them from the funeral parlor. The Arcade Grocery,
Orphals (for oysters), and E.J. Stiefels grocery are gone, but Kroger remains
in Sidney. The Stiefel grocery took a return of buns, franks, onions, crackers, and coffee
for $2.24 to cut the total bill to $6.07. Fourteen pounds of franks for $2.80! Three
pounds of coffee, $1.41.
