June, 1899 |
Compiled by Doris Dilbone in June,
1999 |
A New Addition
Wagner Brothers have completed arrangements for
the erection of an addition to the Wagner house block. The new addition will be two
stories high and will cover the entire space lying in the rear of the Arcade. The lower
portion will be connected with their stores for business purposes, while in the upper part
will be a large balcony. Overhead there will be sufficient light in the store at all times
during the day. The addition will improve the appearance of the Arcade very much. Work
will be commenced on the new addition immediately.
Sidney Daily News, June 5, 1899
Versailles Vs. Sidney
The opening game of the base ball season in Sidney will be played next
Friday afternoon on the ball grounds at the top of the Orbison hill between the Versailles
team and the Sidney Reds. The game will be called at 3 o’clock. Before the game the
two teams, accompanied by the Reed band, will parade to the ball grounds. The reputation
of the Versailles club is well known, while the team that Sidney will present against then
gives promise that the game will be a good one. New suits have been purchased for the
Sidney boys, which will be on exhibition at Charles Taylor’s bicycle store this evening.
Sidney Daily News, June 5, 1899

New Bank
The Comptroller of the
Currency has approved the application of L.
M. Studevant and others, of Sidney, Ohio, for authority to organize "the First
National Bank of Sidney," with a capital of $50,000. This is the only national
bank in Sidney. Mr. Studevant's associates in the new bank are Messrs. W. H. Wagner, R. H.
Trego, J. E. Russell, C. R. Benjamin, W. M. Kingseed and A. J. Hess.
Sidney Daily News, June 17, 1899
Commencement and Picnic
The twelfth annual
commencement of the Orange township public schools was held in Valentine’s grove near
Kirkwood Friday. The crowd present was the largest ever present at these exercises. There
were over 3,000 people in the grove. As we looked over the audience assembled around the
platform, we were most forcibly impressed with the difference in the appearance of that
bright, happy, well dressed collection of young people, as compared with the somber
dressed crowds we had been seeing in the countries of Europe during the past two months.
The recitations and singing of the pupils of the several schools were very creditable to
both teachers and pupils. William Maloneu, of District No. 2, was the only graduate this
year. Subject of his oration was "Patriotism," and was very well spoken. After
he had been presented with his diploma, Rev. J. A. Patterson, of this city, delivered a
very excellent address. He took the position that Columbus did not discover America, but
ran against it in his effort to sail around the world, and that every person born on the
continent are the discoverers of America and that America is to them what they find it to
be while they live in America.
Sidney Daily News, June 9, 1899
Sidney Boys Win?
The second game of ball
played by the Sidney ball team this season was played at Degraff last Wednesday. The game
ended in a quarrel in the first half of the ninth inning, the score at that time being
five to four in favor of the Sidney boys. In that inning Degraff was at the bat. Keating
made a base hit and got to second on a wild throw. The next man up was Shoemaker, who hit
the ball down toward third base, back of the foul line. The umpire called it fair, and
what was no doubt the best game ever played in Degraff ended in a quarrel. The Sidney boys
offered to play if the umpire would change his decision, but Degraff refused to allow it.
The umpiring all throughout the game was not the best that could have been given. The game
was called, the umpire declaring the game for Degraff, 9 to 0. All through the game it was
evident that Sidney was too strong for their opponents, in both their batting and
fielding. In the first two innings Degraff gained a lead of two
runs. Sidney tied the score in the fourth and gained a lead over their opponents in the
sixth inning by getting three runs. Degraff made one run in the seventh and one in the
Shelby County Democrat, June 16,
Haslup Wedding
Invitations are out for
the wedding of W. H. C. Goode and Miss Ida
Haslup which takes place next Tuesday evening at the Haslup home on north Miami avenue.
Daily News, June 20, 1899
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