100 Years Ago
Black History
Civil War
Gold Rush
Law and Order
Carey, McClure
In addition to Samuel McClure,
the Cephas Carey family moved here. The Careys settled west of Hardin and played a significant role in the countys early history. Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, in 1775,
the Careys originally emigrated from England in 1634. Cephas (pictured at right) brought
his family, including his father Ezra, who was 75 years old at the time, to Shelby County
in 1810. Ezra is one of 13 Revolutionary War
soldiers buried in Shelby County, Ohio.
Cephas was the first
elected Justice of the Peace in the Northwestern Territory. He was a captain in the state
militia by the time he moved to the county with his first wife, Jane Williamson. In his
long life of 93 years, he would have 3 wives and 16 children (8 sons and 8 daughters).
He and Jane, whom he
married in 1803, had eight children; Lydia, John W., William A., Nancy W., Drucilla,
David, Thomas M. and Jeremiah. After Jane was killed at the age of 30 by Indians in June,
1814, he then married Rhoda [Hathaway] Garrard in 1815.
Rhodas first
husband, David, had also been killed by Indians. He was shot during the Dilbone Indian Massacre of 1813.
With Rhoda, Cephas had eight more children; Benjamin W., Stephen C., Sally A., Simon B.,
Mary T., Harvey G., Jason S., and Milton T. Rhoda died at the age of 63 in December, 1850.
Cephas then married a widow by the name of Elizabeth Mendenhall. Cephas and his
neighbors built a stockade on the Carey land for the protection of the whole county, and
during the War of 1812, it was occupied by a squad of
soldiers for more than a year.
Although perhaps a bit elaborate, this illustration shows
the typical style of blockhouse built on the frontier.

Cephas Carey |
This stockade
was the first semblance of a community and represented a safe haven where families could
meet without fear. By 1815, public buildings were built around the stockade on the Carey
land. The owners of the land east of Careys place would file a plat for a town,
called Hardin, in October, 1816. It would later serve as
the first county seat.
Several of the Cephas children lived in or
near the Shelby County, Ohio, area. One of Cephas sons, John W. Carey, became a
noted builder and businessman, founding Sidneys first bank, opening the National
Hotel, and constructing Careys Hall.
Another son, William, was a respected judge and an early Sidney school teacher.
Cephas passed away on March 13, 1868.
Members of the Carey family, including Cephas, Jane and Rhoda are buried in the Carey
Cemetery which is now surrounded by privately-owned farmland, near Hardin. This cemetery,
which closed just before the turn of the century, was used between 1814 to 1896 and is
perhaps the oldest in Shelby County. In addition to members of the Carey family, it
contains Revolutionary and Civil War veterans.
Neglected for nearly a century, a major cleanup effort was undertaken in the
early 1980s by Lewis Diehl, with the assistance of his wife, son and a family friend,
who spent their entire summer working in the cemetery. They removed excess trees and dense
underbrush, raised fallen tombstones and pieced together broken monuments. Lew also
compiled a new record of burials.
After this effort, the cemetery once again
fell into great disrepair. The Shelby County Historical Society is in the process of
cleaning it up, (under Tom Homans supervision) seeking to restore and preserve the cemeterys many burial stones. Given
its local historical significance, it is likely that the Society will choose to
commemorate this location at some time in the future. To reach the cemetery, take
State Route 47 west out of Sidney to Hardin. Turn right on Hardin-Wapak Road and follow
north for approximately 1/4 mile. The cemetery is on the right side, located approximately
200 yards off the road. The brick home, immediately north of the cemetery, on the left
side of the road, was constructed by the Careys. At some point, the trustees may make
arrangements to open the cemetery to public access, but for now, the land
surrounding the cemetery is privately owned. Until such time, the Society asks that any
visitors respect the property owners privacy and simply view from the
Other 1810 Orange Township settlers
included Thomas Young, Abram Glossmire, John Matthews, Luke Norris, John Gilbert and
Harman Dildine.
Cemetery. Photo by Tom Homan.
''Pioneer' segment written in
October, 1997 by Sherrie Casad-Lodge
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